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Why you need 'Wool Dryer Balls' in your life...

#soapberries #organic #organiclaundry #natural #ecoliving #economical #raw #vegan #paleo #hypoallergenic #nochemical #wholefoods #zerowaste #thatredhouse #antibacterial #antifungal #chemicalfree #wastefree #gentle #compostable #allnatural #wooldryerballs #woolballs #reduce

Why you need 'Wool Dryer Balls' in your life...

Unfortunately, brass monkey weather is approaching. And yes, I agree, we were totally ripped off this summer. It was shit. What there was of it. It was barely here, before it left us again. Sunny evenings hanging out the washing until 9pm, will soon be a distant memory and the dryer will be getting a massive rev up – Noooooooooo!!! In anticipation of this, we have expanded our range of balls and these ones are bigger, fluffier and softer than our soapberries. Oh and have a totally different function! While our small brown crusty soapberry balls are made for the...

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The mind-blowing uses of bi-carb soda

#bicarbsoda #chemicalfreecleaning #benefitsofbicarb #soapberries #organic #organiclaundry #natural #ecoliving #economical #raw #vegan #paleo #hypoallergenic #nochemical #wholefoods #zerowaste #thatredhouse #antibacterial #antifungal #chemicalfree #wastefree #gentle #compostable #allnatural

The mind-blowing uses of bi-carb soda

This white powder of awesomeness is a natural way of keeping things clean and fresh around the home and the applications are almost endless. Get on it!  Are you pits on the hum? Make your own stink defying stick… a. If you’re the lazy sort, just dust the bi-carb straight onto your underarms so your body can absorb your wofty stench. This technique is messy and not as effective as some of our other methods. We suggest you keep reading…  b. If you’re not as lazy as the person who prefers option a, get yourself a more functional application by mixing up: -  3 tablespoons of bicarb soda and coconut oil-  2 tablespoons of arrowroot -  A few drops of essential oil (add more drops...

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Earth Hour – Letting the planet catch its breath.

#earthhour #soapberries #organic #organiclaundry #natural #ecoliving #economical #raw #vegan #paleo #hypoallergenic #nochemical #wholefoods #zerowaste #thatredhouse #antibacterial #antifungal #chemicalfree #wastefree #gentle #compostable #allnatural

Earth Hour – Letting the planet catch its breath.

   Earth Hour is celebrating its 10 year anniversary today, an Australian borne idea to tackle climate change by turning off power sources for one hour and letting the earth take a breather. The idea grew quickly and is now celebrated in 172 Countries and over 7,000 cities and town around the globe, with 50-100 million participants. Crazy!! It seems looking after the planet is high on lots of people’s agendas – and with finding renewable energy supported for some time by the government, 1 in 7 Australians now have solar panels on their roofs. Go Aussie Go! As it...

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Our 'Living Room' love

#Channel10 #thelivingroom @barrydubois @drchrisbrown #organicsoapberries #natural #raw #vegan #hypoallergenic #nochemicals #thatredhouse #zerowaste #compostable #TVdebut

Our 'Living Room' love

Sooooo a fortnight ago I flew to Sydney for something pretty freeeaking exciting. Okay…. like big time exciting. As part of an acknowledgement of Earth Hour, Channel 10’s 'The Living Room' featured some environmentally friendly products to road test. And our divine little soapy balls of wonder were invited to join the partaaeee!!! Get. The. F&*%. OUT!!!! So I flew around in circles for a little bit, juggled my schedule, re-arranged days to wash my hair and jumped on a plane. I met Natalia, TRH business partner there (she lives in Sydney) and off we trotted… almost peeing our pants with anticipation,...

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Making the mother broth! Soapberry liquid

#soapberries #organic #organiclaundry #natural #ecoliving #economical #raw #vegan #paleo #hypoallergenic #nochemical #wholefoods #zerowaste #thatredhouse #antibacterial #antifungal #chemicalfree #wastefree #gentle #compostable #allnatural

Making the mother broth! Soapberry liquid

It’s true that our little balls of wonder can be used for so many household cleaning applications and all roads lead to our soapberry liquid! It’s the base for most of our chemical free household and personal care recipes. So once you’ve mastered the craft (slight exaggeration of the effort it will take) of boiling up some berries, you’ll be on your way to eliminating chemicals from so many other areas of your home. Here is how to make the mother broth… Add about 10 whole shells (or equivalent) per litre of water and boil for 15-20 minutes. Use the...

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