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Mini urban hippies showing us the way

#worms #soapberries #thatredhouse #compostable #organic #goodforthegarden #noplanb #noplanetb #bethechange #doitfordavid #organic #greenplanet #climateemergency

Our littl’uns are seriously good at showing us the way. And let’s face it this planet is going to be theirs, long after we’ve started turning into worm food.

Take for example one of the kids hanging at the office after school at That Red House…..”Mum”, she says “you know we grow with water, just like plants.”

Bring it on!

We are basically plants with emotions! We fare well with daily doses of water, sunshine and positive actions. This way we grow happily, starting from our intentions, just like our kids. Our little people REALLY are magical humans!!

Now back to the worm food, once you’ve used your Soapberries for 3-5 washes and they seem to be losing their oomph, get the kids to toss them through the garden or into the compost. The worms won’t have a problem with our berries! They’re all natural and completely organic.


Good for the wardrobe, good for the garden and even better for the planet!!

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