That Red House debuts in Well-Being Magazine
Hey soapberry lovers! Although not a blog - we wanted to share with you the support we have received from Well-Being Magazine. That Red House Founder, Talia Borda featured in a full page interview in their August edition. If you don't subscribe to the magazine, we have the full article here for your perusal! It explores, when, why and how That Red House 'Organic Soapberries' started and what an exciting and interesting journey we have had so far! Feeling the soapberry love!
Your laundry detergents dirty little secret
#bulkingagents #fillers #nomorebangforyourbuck #soapberries #organic #organiclaundry #natural #ecoliving #economical #raw #vegan #paleo #hypoallergenic #nochemical #wholefoods #zerowaste #thatredhouse #antibacterial #antifungal #chemicalfree #wastefree #gentle #compostable #allnatural
‘Bulking agents’ are not just for body builders and ‘fillers’ are not just for cracks. Unfortunately they are both polluting your laundry and effecting your health and chances are, you don't even realise. Unless you’ve looked further than the back of your laundry detergent box, you will be shocked to find out what they actually contain. I know I was. Not shocked actually. More like horrified. Granular bulking agents and fillers are the shit (and not as in... ‘da shit’ but actual shit!!) that is added to laundry detergents to make their volume larger and give you the perception that you are getting...
Micro sized; causing macro sized problems.
The bathroom is the biggest offender when it comes to offensive materials in the home and no, I’m not talking about what your husband just backed out! I’m talking other environmental nightmares. We have more chemicals here, than in any other room in the house. And unless you have been living under a very large rock – or you choose to ignore it - chemical exposure has a seriously detrimental effect on our health. Parabens, Triclosan, Phthalates, synthetics and fragrances – they are all toxic and now you have another one to add to the list – and this one is causing...
Choking the planet – one coffee cup at a time.
#coffeecuplandfill #zerowaste #thatredhouse #rejectreuserecycle #bringyourowncup #deathbycoffeecup
Until, not so long ago did we all assume (or was it just me?) that every time you bought a takeaway coffee, your cup was recyclable? Well, bloody hell people – I am here to tell you – they’re not!! WTAF!! Coffee cups, are not bloody recyclable!!! Sweet Jesus – am I the only one who was clueless about this? Paper cups, plastic cups, styrofoam cups, and those not-quite-paper, not-quite-plastic who-knows-what-it-is coffee cups = landfill, landfill, landfill. I’m actually aghast as to how this has actually happened. Surely we now live in a progressive, environmentally aware (and conscious) society… How...
Men. May they be washed, landscaped and deodorised 100% naturally.
You may be, or know, one of these men...'The Manly' I don't eat quiche or salad, man.'Joe Bloe' I just go with the flow, man. 'Metro sexual' how is my hair?, man. 'The Nerd Burger' give me some statistics and I'm happy, man. 'The Sports Freak' shut up the footy is on, man. and so many more...Either way our research indicates, no matter what type of man you are, you like your clothes and your body to smell delish! And we have some 100% natural recipes to keep you fresh and well kept, using our divinely masculine essential oil 'Earth Spice', a hearty blend of 100%...